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28 total results found

Smartcard and Payment



Random stuff


Car related


Contactless Smartcard



Random things

Informative collection of random stuff.

Car notes

Notes for my own car or for car that I have owned.

Coffee Roasting

My coffee roasting notes

Japan Specific | JIS



Contactless Smartcard

FeliCa Related information

Mifare UID Decimal formats

Contactless Smartcard

Example: Sector 0 Block 0 Data: 80 CD E6 D6 7D 88 04 00 88 98 00 20 00 00 00 F8 Single size UID (4-byte) UID "in order" (Big Endian): 80 CD E6 D6 UID "in reverse bytes order" (Little Endian/Intel): D6 E6 CD 80 Decimal: 3605450112   References:  ...

"is not usable for indexed lookups due to unsupported collating sort order SortOrder"


When using some sort of software or you are working on some projects with Microsoft Access, this error may occurs because of the known limitation of Jackcess library. Workaround:  Change the "New database sort order" to "General" (or "General - Legacy")....

Python Virtual Env - VS Code - .venv Terminal "Activate.ps1 cannot be loaded"


 This is caused by execution policy of PowerShell. We can fix it by adding "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" in settings.json. Ctrl + Shift + P > type settings.json > Add the below lines "": { "PowerShell": { "source"...

UTF8 to Shift_JIS in Javascript

Development Japan Specific | JIS

Background The TextEncoder() in js does not support Shift_JIS, which means you may need to find some alternative ways to turn UTF-8 Japanese/Kana character into Shift_JIS encoding format for further handling in your use-case (such as FeliCa chip personalisati...

Ways to test port connections & ports occupied by Windows services


Test Port Connection Powershell Host Port   Test-NetConnection localhost -Port 9010      - OR - New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient("localhost", 80)   Find out the port occupied by which application / service     1. Find out the process ID Ne...

Tea Standard - ISO3103:2019 & BS6008

Random things

See attachment for the ISO3103 and BS6008 Standards for Tea preparation.

Contactless Smartcard Document Directory

Contactless Smartcard

Proxmark's docuement directory for different contactless smartcard standards

Travel Information

Random things

Timatic - global entry requirement

Ford Maintenance Info

Car notes

(Cantonese only content) Captured from Ford HK Facebook Group. 有見都多左人問關於Ford車用既油,整返份簡單指南方便下大家。注意此指南只作參考用,如有疑問請參閱隨車的車主手册,或提供底盤號碼以供查閱。  Fluid Guide Rev.03AApproved? Specification? Recommended for? 呢啲字眼經常出現代表咩意思?真係有原廠認證符合曬規格要求先至會寫係Approved。Specification就係廠方會對隻油...

Skywalker Roaster Info

Coffee Roasting

Arduino for connecting to Artisan Youtube Tutorial for Artisan mod Roaster Wiki

General Roasting Guide

Coffee Roasting

    Light Medium Medium dark Development rate 10–18% 17–22% >25% Time FC to FC+40s End of FC to +1:30s SC Temp + FC (125 g) 4–8 °C 9–12 °C +20 °C Temp + FC...

Civic Type R FK8 Service Parts

Car notes

Rear Main Crankshaft Oil Seal Symptoms - see photos Parts: https:/...

Honda TechInfo - Workshop Manual

Car notes

Download the browser:

FeliCa Guide and IC Card Info

Contactless Smartcard FeliCa

FeliCa System Code and Known service code list Product SysCode Known Service Code Wildcard 0x__FF Wildcard (for Polling) 0xFF__ IC Card - 交通系ICカード 0x0003 Balance - 残高に関する情報 0x008B Usage - 利用履歴に関する情報0x090...

FeliCa Parts

Contactless Smartcard FeliCa

Reader and Reader Enclosure Manufacturer Daitron